Resources for Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum


Women and girls on the Autism Spectrum, you are not alone. It may sometimes feel that way but we’re here to help provide information, resources and community support.

Whether you identify as Autistic, Aspie, Aspergirl, Asperkid, a woman with autism, a woman with Asperger’s, non-binary or simply (your name here), at Autism Empowerment and our nonprofit publication, Spectrum Life Magazine, you are accepted and respected for who you are. 

This section of our website is dedicated toward females on the autism spectrum of all ages as well as the families and caregivers that support them. We are in this TOGETHER. When we come together as a community we also are stronger individuals! LOTS of love to you! 

A note about semantics: You will find that throughout the Autism Empowerment website, we use different wording or phrasing when referring to individuals on the autism spectrum. 

We believe identity-first language such as Autistic and Aspie are words that are part of autism culture and it is important for people to know that terminology is okay and is the preference of many Autistic adults and youth. We also respect the concept of people first, however we promote that “people first” language in real practice is often more about positive tone and showing respect than it is about linguistics. 

In other words, truly put the person first, ask thoughts and opinions and respect any personal preferences or changes when it comes to how they self-identify. Do you have a child or friend exploring their identity? Let them choose how they define themselves while remembering that we are all complex human beings and no-one is defined or confined by any one word or label.

There are some absolutely amazing female Autistic and Aspie Mentors in the autism community at large and as a whole, they really are a generous bunch in terms of sharing information, strategies and resources. 

You can start to become acquainted with many of these fine women including Autism Empowerment co-founder, Karen Krejcha by clicking the “Women on the Spectrum” section on the left. 

You may also be visiting this page and wondering whether you, your daughter, your niece or a girl that you teach, coach or support may be on the autism spectrum. Asperkids founder, Jennifer Cook O’Toole, wrote a wonderful article for Autism Aspergers Network Magazine called “Pink on the Spectrum“. We’ve been given permission by Jennifer and Autism Asperger Digest to share this important article with Autism Empowerment website visitors. Just click the picture below and you can read or download the entire article online which also includes a page which includes a handout to help with Recognizing Pink on the Spectrum.

Do you have a resource or know an amazing woman you’d like to suggest for this section? Please email details to  Thanks for stopping by!


Pink on the Spectrum by Jennifer Cook O’Toole

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