Opportunities for Giving and Making an Impact

Accept Enrich Inspire EmpowerThank you so much for considering a donation of your time, services or money to Autism Empowerment. Your willingness to give helps us on our way to making life more meaningful for youth, adults and families who consider themselves part of the autism community.

We strongly believe in supporting an Autism Empowerment community where all people on the autism spectrum and those supporting them feel welcome. Of course, it does not stop there. We visualize acceptance for those on the autism spectrum throughout the world.  Of course, it doesn’t stop with autism either. We visualize a world where learning differences are embraced and there is Acceptance for ALL Abilities. You, me, the neighbor down the street, the global neighbor on the other side of the world…  Idealistic? Maybe… but it’s a world worth working toward.

The revenue generated by Autism Empowerment supports every aspect of our work, including our nonprofit publication, Spectrum Life Magazine. It also allows us to develop and fund programs and services that benefit individuals and families from birth through all stages of adulthood. Your support is greatly needed and sincerely appreciated.


We offer a number of ways to show generosity through giving:

We are Family

In-Kind Donations (Items & Services)

Shop and Support (Amazon / eBay)

Volunteer & Serve





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The Autism Empowerment community is YOUR community. It is OUR community.

With your gifts and support, together we positively change the world.
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